Ready, Set, PGDM – Things to do before joining a PGDM program.

Kaushik Sen

Congratulations on getting selected for a PGDM program. A PGDM, or Post Graduate Diploma in Management, is a two-year program that will equip you with the knowledge and skills required for a successful career in management. You are among the brightest and most privileged people on the planet. You have taken the right step toward personal growth and career advancement. But before you get caught up in a series of classes, case studies, and assignments, take a deep breath and use this time wisely.

Here are 8 tips to ensure you utilize this pre-PGDM time and put your best foot forward.

Recharge Your Mind

First things first, allow yourself some time to sit back and unwind. Spend some time with your loved ones, pursue some hobbies, or travel if possible. A refreshed mind will be better equipped to manage the stress and rigor that a PGDM program demands. But do not get complacent and relax too much and do not let the laziness sink in.

Sneak Peek at Fundamentals

Before joining the PGDM program, make sure you brush up on some fundamentals required for this program. You should have respect for both Poets and Quants. Go through the basic topics of finance, marketing, and economics as these topics will be beneficial. Try to do some case studies as they will give you an idea of how to do it. 

Get a competitive advantage

You can start learning essential tools like MS Excel, Tableau, and Power BI and learn how to present effectively using PowerPoint and other tools. Take some online courses relevant to your specialization requirements and hone your skills. Apart from enhancing technical skills, focus on soft skills and work on your personality development. Follow Industry trends and keep yourself updated with business news.

Start building your Network

Building your network is recommended as far as the corporate world is concerned. Create a LinkedIn account if you do not have one already and start connecting with industry people. You can start searching for startups and their CEOs or Talent acquisition heads to look for opportunities in the future. Follow them and start interacting with them. Building your connections early will open doors to future career opportunities. Be ready for rejection if somebody doesn’t respond to you.

Reach out to Seniors and Alumni

You can reach out to your immediate seniors and get their insights on your institution and all other academic-related queries. You can talk to the alumni about their areas of specialization and work experience and get insights. 

Work on your CV

A PGDM program needs versatile individuals with adaptability. Your CV is crucial as it highlights your skills and qualities to potential recruiters. Prepare a CV for yourself, be honest about your capabilities, and keep it clear and concise. Mention relevant skills and achievements as required by your domain. Highlight your unique value proposition and make a compelling CV that will help you to stand out.

Learn about Specializations and Domains

PGDM offers a list of specializations and various job roles under that. You can search and understand about these domains and decide on which role you want. You can talk to industry people on various social media platforms and learn what it takes to get that specific role and where you stand.

Start developing a habit

As a PGDM student learn the art of listening as it will help you in the long run. Another practice that will be immensely helpful is effective note making as it will save you time and you can refer to them anytime. Acquire the habit of reading newspapers and articles daily to keep yourself informed. Cultivate a learning mindset and you will thrive in your career.

PGDM requires an individual to be organized and consistent. Once the program starts you will face difficulty in finding time for yourself. That is why it becomes helpful if you create a study plan and try to familiarize yourself with the life of a PGDM student.

Coffee, Case Studies, and Camaraderie – This sums up the entire PGDM journey. No amount of preparation can prepare you for what lies ahead. Every day is a new challenge. Every moment is a new learning. It is not just a professional degree; it is an investment in your future. By taking these steps before the program begins, you will be well-equipped to navigate the academic challenges, build valuable connections, and stand out in the crowd. So, get ready, set, and prepare to embark on a transformative and rewarding PGDM experience!

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